Conal Cram

Conal is a seasoned tech industry professional and content writer for numerous tech publications. With a strong background in software engineering and digital media development, he's passionate about sharing the latest updates and insights in the tech industry, particularly in artificial intelligence and other disruptive trends. In his spare time he loves a mezze platter and a good film, and if he's not playing Fortnite or spending time with his daughter you can assume he's at the dry slopes!
103 Articles

Remote Sensing Satellites: A Boon For Agriculture And Environment

As sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship‎ become more critical, remote sensing satellites…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 8 Min Read

Robotic Explorers: From Rovers To Drones In Space Missions

The enormous Universe has many mysteries waiting to be revealed. We have…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 10 Min Read

Rocket Science Renaissance: The Latest Breakthroughs In Space Travel

Space exploration has fascinated humans for aeons. Exploring the universe and expanding…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 8 Min Read

SpaceX’s Starship: Revolutionizing Space Exploration

Starship by SpaceX may very well transform space travel as we know…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 9 Min Read

The Economics Of Space: Opportunities And Challenges In Commercial Spaceflight

The universe is undergoing a revolution that is changing our understanding of…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 7 Min Read

The Hunt For Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Discoveries

The hunt for alien life has long captivated humans and beyond scientific…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 8 Min Read

The James Webb Space Telescope: A Game Changer In Astronomy

Exploration tools have impacted our knowledge of the Universe, and The James…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 8 Min Read

The Role Of Private Space Stations In Commercial Spaceflight

Space stations, historically confined to government space programs, have changed dramatically. The…

Conal Cram Conal Cram 7 Min Read